Magritte, Don Quixote, and Quantum Physics

More than twenty years ago, I stumbled upon a book with different paintings by Belgium Reneé Magritte. I felt an instant fascination for his paintings. I couldn’t stop looking at them, dwelling on the many thoughts they inspired. I found his stone still life paintings captivating. Time, eternity, death, the futility of human activity and what we call progress, all that came to my mind in a jumble, along with the pleasure of enjoying the painting.

About three years ago, I found out that my friend and art teacher Karen McArthur, had an obsession similar to mine, at the same time I did, (when we were in our twenties). She wrote very inspiring book lists at her blog under these categories: Childhood, Coming of Age, College, Adulthood. And in her Adulthood list, I found this book, Magritte, by Suzi Gablik. (I have to say that I’ve bought and read several of her suggestions, and they’ve been wonderful. I specially recommend Twelve Months of Monastery Soups.)


Today, I look at this painting, -the stone scene upfront, which opens to what looks like an abyss, and Ecclesiastes comes to mind. Vanity of vanities. Life under the sun is a frustrating and pointless pursue. The bottle of wine, the pleasures implied, the fruit, the book nobody can read anymore, it’s all petrified, it’s there for nobody. Those are just my own thoughts. And that’s the curious quality of Magritte’s art. Learning what art meant to him, and what he was trying to accomplish, was never necessary for me to enjoy his paintings. However, the author of this book presented me with knowledge and ideas, which, in turn, begat new ideas and formed a better understanding of not just Magritte or art, but of literature, philosophy, life. When I combined this reading with other pieces of information that I already have, it helped me achieve a new synthesis, a better scheme at my disposition to apply to all areas.


As Ortega said in his Dehumanization of Art, and Rookmaaker, painters always paint ‘reality’. But our view or definition of what’s real changes. It’s also possible that we, the viewers, are stuck in a past interpretation of reality. It could be the case that artists, (not just painters, but also writers, poets, philosophers, and at times scientists, mathematicians, engineers, etc.) are many times poorly understood or lowly regarded because they are ahead of times, or by their doing something other than what we are familiar with and accustomed to, (which happens to be that which we have had for a while, and which we can contemplate with a bit of distance and perspective), -that in the distant or short term past.

But Magritte is, in this sense, ‘old news’, (as a 20th century painter, I think it’s safe to say we all are a bit versed in the art of his time, -surrealism, dadaism, pop art). Let’s listen to him telling us the question he’s trying to answer with his art:

My latest painting began with the question: how to show a glass of water in a painting in such a way that it would not be indifferent? Or whimsical, or arbitrary, or weak — but, allow us to use the word, with genius? (Without false modesty.) I began by drawing many glasses of water, always with a linear mark on the glass. This line, after the 100th or 150th drawing, widened out and finally took the form of an umbrella. The umbrella was then put into the glass, and to conclude, underneath the glass. Which is the exact solution to the initial question: how to paint a glass of water with genius.  I then thought that Hegel (another genius) would have been very sensitive to this object which has two opposing functions: at the same time not to admit any water (repelling it) and to admit it (containing it). He would have been delighted, I think, or amused (as on a vacation) and I call the painting Hegel’s Holiday.


And this is from the author of the book, pg. 114:

Just as with the ambiguity of ‘inside’ and ‘outside’, Magritte avoids any absolute finality of placement by playing on the bipolarity of ‘here’ and ‘there’. As in The Empire of Lights, where he has used two apparently irreconcilable events (night and day) observed from a single point of view to disrupt our sense of time, in paintings like The Battle of the Argonne Magritte has similarly disrupted our sense of space.



The plural significance of experience, in which spatiotemporal measurement is seen as the relation between observer and phenomena, corresponds to Einstein’s theory of relativity in physics, which abolished the ‘absolute’ space and time of Newtonian theory.

This made me think of the great Marian Petrosyan, author of The Gray House, and what Yuri Masachov, (English translator of the work) said about the book being faithful to a reality understood under the laws of quantum physics. (Gone is the more traditional literature which responded to that Newtonian paradigm.)

Another book quote, page 124:

What appears inevitably true in one sense, because it has been endorsed by reason, is an oversimplified and limited notion of the possibilities of experience, since it does not take into account the ambivalent, paradoxical nature of reality. In Magritte’s paintings, everything is directed towards a specific crisis in consciousness, through which the limited evidence of the common-sense world can be transcended.

Which made me think about the switch in literature to unreliable narrators, stream of consciousness, new ways of talking about the world and us.

There’s so much more in this book. The paintings are grouped by topics, not necessarily chronological. The author explains that Magritte had a definite set of themes he found early on but that he continued exploring the rest of his life. I particularly love the ones which explore language, meaning, representation. There were some mentions of Wittgenstein, -since philosophy as well became very interested in language in the 20th century. I instantly thought about one of the prevalent themes in Don Quixote.


I was reading one of the chapters that talks about Don Quixote’s claims that a barber’s basin is the helmet of the renowned knight Mambrino. The culminating chapter finds the barber whose basin and ass’s mount was stolen, at the same inn than Don Quixote, Sancho, and a lot more others, some who are privy to Don Quixote’s mad views, and some who aren’t. The fight that arises when some (in conspiracy, to prank the barber) claim the basin is truly a helmet, and the simple donkey’s mount the most splendid horse’s saddle, and when others not in the joke defend things are what they ‘truly’ are, results in the most hysteric episode ever recorded in literature. It’ll be Don Quixote the one bringing things back to peace and order. The irony!

This is one of the reasons why 16th century literature appears to be very modern. Across the centuries, it comes closer to our preoccupations, while it still maintains a more approachable and straightforward style, (despite the language choices being obviously older). In the case of Don Quixote, the language works for me, though, since it injects his talk with a solemn and a bit rancid style, proper of the knights of old he is trying to emulate.





16 thoughts on “Magritte, Don Quixote, and Quantum Physics

  1. I may just move the book I already have up on my TBR pile and try to start it soon but move through it slowly, little by little. If I start soon, I should have a good amount of time to read through it before your tentative time for reading DQ. 🙂

  2. I got you. I am glad you simply stopped by and gifted me with your generous comment.
    Forget about must do’s, -it’s good to have things not complete because we are in the middle of life and relationships.
    I too miss talking to you. I often think about you, and I guessed part of it was that your children are growing. Now you have a full house, and I understand how reading is affected when many other things take priority.
    I miss new content in your website, yes, but it will come when it comes.
    I am still enjoying your surprising visit, it’s good to hear your voice. I have been reading lots of art books, and thinking about you.
    Take care, and keep in touch, Karen.

  3. I meant that my book lists are incomplete! I’m sure your links are fine. I’m sorta scared to log on to my website. I haven’t looked at it in months. But neither has anyone else, I”m sure! lol

  4. Dear lady, I have a stack of blog posts in my Gmail account with your name on them (just you, and a few from Tolle Lege) for reading sometime soon (this is what I tell myself) but I have to say that just now I saw the title and couldn’t help it! I haven’t read the whole thing but I’ll chime in and say please, please, lead us in DQ! I will commit to that one.

    And thank you for including my links!! They are, sadly, incomplete – a task for the future. How I miss talking with you! All is well here, just very transitional things with my mother-in-law living with us, my parents even moved in temporarily (!), and then somehow it seems that my children are suddenly teens (who knew this could…this WOULD…happen?!) except for joyous Quin! who’s still 8!! and my reading stacks stare at me from my bedside table…the basket in the living room…my desk…and I whisper to these friends ever so quietly, “Soon, my loves, soon.”

    Hear my shouted ‘Hullo!!’ dear Sylvia! I’m going to be reading with y’all again SOON! Hearts and butterflies and still dreaming of visiting Malta someday – Karen in Ky

  5. I’ve noticed they have art books at the Maud Marian sale but I tend to pass them by for the classics 🙂 Need to check next time!

  6. But why!, I am reading Saramago, and loving it. (I most likely lead a reading of DQ next year, just saying).
    Isn’t art so interesting, -and Magritte ended up departing from surrealism, his paintings were very conscious efforts. But De Chirico meant a revelation for him, it was the first time he saw what he and the Futurist painters were doing, and from there, he assimilated some of that and started his own development of his vision.

  7. Wonderful post Silvia. I adore The Empire of Lights but only came across it recently in a lovely book of surrealist art my OH gifted me at Christmas. Just stunning. And stop prodding me in the direction of DQ! 🙂

  8. I think knowing the changes in art’s ways and focus, help us understand literature changes in style and focus as well.

  9. The last chapters of part I. I think this book, Magritte, was a good one, also the linked title by Rookmaaker, Modern Art and the Death of a Culture, any title and “none”, I mean, they talk in those chapters, about books of different kinds, which ones are good, which ones bad, and why, the effects of reading in DQ, and on everyone. But that book you mention sounds like a good one to read too.

  10. You mentioned that the last few chapters of DQ is like a commentary on art and literature. I wonder, are there some artists or maybe an art book that you think would be good to read either before/after or along with DQ? I have The Annotated Mona Lisa on my shelf that I want to read. It’s basically like a survey of artists (including some of their works) and art movements (impressionism, etc.).

  11. You are so kind. Yes, I’m preparing for that task. This time reading DQ, I’m truly finding a well full of riches, layers. The book is larger than life. Part I, -which I just finished, talked to me about life, what we make of it, reality, imagination, logic. It was fascinating to see how Cervantes managed to write a book in which different people speak, in a way, ‘different languages’. He exposes and proposes so many different views of life. The last chapters are a commentary on literature and art, and they are simply amazing. The priest is chatting about comedy, why new comedies or some comedies are bad, -they astray from reality, and how chivalry literature is also bad, -based on things and people that never happened. While DQ tells us about the ‘reality’ of Arthur and many other famous knights, and their accomplishments, and how real their knightly life was. (Don’t we get educated and guided by their standards of helping those in need, don’t we get inspired by their morals?, how dare they say those books have turned him mad? And yet DQ is mad, while others who are not, can be mean, ignorant, even evil.) I never saw things I’m seeing this round. For example, there’s two guys that try to leave the inn without paying, flat out delinquent. DQ also doesn’t pay, -he knows knights don’t when they visit castles. It’s the same act, but the roots or motivation are very different. It’s simply amazing what Cervantes is doing here, I tell you. And to do that while amusing and surprising, that’s talent, ha ha ha.

  12. Dear Silvia, this amazing post is exactly why you should guide us on a journey reading Don Quixote next year (or when ever)! My mind is blown!

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